Complete Control Program Download

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  1. Urc Complete Control Program Download
  2. Universal Remote Complete Control Program Download

Most Windows users would know that there are two main types of user account for individuals, a standard user account and an administrator account. A standard user account has some restrictions while an administrator should have pretty much complete control over the whole system. But Windows doesn’t work like that and there are additional levels of access and security that go over and above even what an administrator can do.

For instance, TrustedInstaller is an account created by Windows that has exclusive control over a number of system files and folders. If TrustedInstaller is the owner of an object with full control over it, an administrator cannot do anything without transferring control to the administrators group, whether the file is locked and in use or not. As an example, TrustedInstaller owns Notepad.exe so even an administrator cannot delete or move the file and will receive a “File Access Denied” error.

To give yourself full control over the file or folder and stop a potential “You need permission to perform this action” message you must first take ownership from the current owner and then give yourself permission to read, execute or modify it. Below are the default permissions for Notepad.exe, you’ll notice administrators are only allowed to read and execute the file while TrustedInstaller has full control.

There are several ways to take ownership and give yourself full control of files or folders and doing it manually via the Properties Security tab is a dozen or more steps which is confusing and time consuming. An easier option is using something which can do the same but with just a few mouse clicks. Here we list 6 free tools that allow you to take ownership of folders and files and give you full control so they can be accessed or modified. All tools have been tested on Windows 10 and 7 and require administrator rights to use them.


1. Take Ownership Registry File

Although not technically a standalone tool, one of the easiest ways to take ownership of files, folders, or even whole drives is to import a simple set of commands into your system registry. Then all you have to do is right click on the object you want to take control of and select Take Ownership from the context menu.

Download the zipped reg file below and double click it to import into your registry. Then all you have to do is right click on what you want to gain control of and click Take Ownership. A Command window will open briefly after which you should be able to access and open or move the objects. Use the included remove registry file to uninstall the Take Ownership menu entry. This works on Windows Vista to Windows 10 and on files, folders, and also whole drives. DO NOT use it on the root of C or specials folders like Windows.

If you look at the registry file it might seem a little complex, but all it does is run two built in Windows commands. Takeown.exe to give ownership to the administrator and then Icacls.exe to replace all the current permissions with full permissions for the administrator group, this combination gives full access to any user with administrator account access.

2. TakeOwnershipPro

Something to note about TakeOwnershipPro is it needs to be installed like any normal application which may be a drawback for users who don’t like installing too much software. However, the good news is the installer is completely adware free at the time of writing so isn’t a cause for concern.

This tool works by drag and drop support, manually selecting files or folders through an Add button or right clicking and selecting a TakeOwnershipPro context menu entry. You can also add several different files and folders to the list and then click Take Ownership to process them all at once. Make sure to use the include subfolders checkbox if you want to process everything inside selected folders.

3. Easy Context Menu

Sordum makes a number of small and useful tools. DNS Jumper and DNS Angel are a few we’ve mentioned before. Easy Context Menu is slightly different because it’s more of a general program to add dozens of right click context menu entries to your desktop or while clicking on files and folders. Taking ownership of files and folders is one of them.

Download Easy Context Menu, extract, and run the 32-bit or 64-bit version that matches your system. There are Take Ownership check boxes in both the Folder and File context menu sections, check one or both and click the Apply button. A Take Ownership entry will appear on your context menu the next time you right click on a file or folder. A small blue progress meter in the bottom right corner will let you known how the process is going.

These menu entries were very effective during testing and worked when others such as the registry entries would not. Easy Context Menu looks portable but actually installs itself into Program Files after you first click Apply. This stops the menu entries from breaking as they rely on the ecmenu.exe executable to function.

4. TakeOwnershipEx makes many interesting tools and one is TakeOwnershipEx which aims to grant full access to the administrator group. Like TakeOwnershipPro it requires installation which may be inconvenient to some, but at least it’s currently adware free. Although settings are stored in AppdataRoaming you can easily extract the setup installer with 7-Zip and use the program from anywhere you like minus the context menu entry.

There are two ways to try and take ownership, by using the Take Ownership/Restore Rights context menu entry or opening the program from its icon and clicking the Take Ownership button to open a file/folder requester. A handy option is the ability to restore ownership once you have finished, the context menu option will reverse a previous operation automatically or you can select from a list by running the program and clicking the Restore Ownership button.


There are two versions of WinOwnershipEx in the archive. The standard version will run on systems with .NET Framework 3.5 installed. The version with Win8 in the name works on Windows 8 and 10 systems that don’t have .NET 3.5 installed. Usage of WinOwnershipEx is a little hit and miss. It told us we had access to System Volume Information when we didn’t while other files/folders in the Windows directory worked as expected.

5. Ownership by Rizonesoft

We’ve mentioned a few other Rizone tools before like Complete Internet Repair and Firemin. Ownership is another one of their simple programs and this one allows you to take full control of files and folders when access is otherwise denied.

In reality, Ownership is simply an installer/uninstaller to put entries into the context menu when you right click on a file or folder. It does this by adding Takeown and Icacls commands into the registry much like the first option in our list. A plus is the pause option which keeps the command window open until you press a key. This can be useful to troubleshoot if you are still not given permission. Ownership is a portable program with separate 32-bit and 64-bit executables.

Download Ownership | Download Ownership from Softpedia

6. WinOwnership

This is a portable tool from the now dead Josh Cell Softwares website that grants control of objects by dragging and dropping files and folders onto the program window. Alternatively, you can double click on the window and a file requester will pop up and allow you to locate files manually. A handy feature is the ability to reverse the change later after you have done what you need or granted ownership to the wrong files.

After finding what you want to take ownership of, WinOwnership will tell you whether you already have full access or not, press the Apply button to start the process. The Undo button will restore original permissions if they have previously been changed. Double clicking for a manual location will not work on folders but you can use Shift or Ctrl click to multi select files.

Do Note that drag and drop does not work unless you have User Account Control (UAC) completely disabled. Windows 7 and Vista are supported but WinOwnership froze gaining access to System Volume Information during testing while other tools here worked. WinOwnership requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to run which is already installed in Windows 10 and 8.

Editor’s Note: Trying to gain ownership and control over important Windows files and folders can lead to instability or even a complete system crash. Even if you know what you are doing, it is highly recommended that you create a restore point or completely backup your system before trying anything which could potentially destroy your Windows install.

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I can’t tell you that how much you helped me you are savier thank you 1000000000 time this helped me a lot

Stefan7 months ago

Thanks a lot, with all youtube useles videos I was not able to unblock lost permisions I dont know how on my MP3s already 2 month – Win10


Just a big “Thank you” and I wish it could be in $$$ but I am barely able to afford INTERNET!

Rahul Mg7 months ago

try this


Thanks so much!!!!!

Ahsan8 months ago

Got frustrated doing it individually, but Takeownership pro did it for me. THANKS.


Take Ownership has quit working. I don’t know how long ago because it isn’t something I use all that often. Now, I need it and the option is no longer available on the menu. I checked to make sure it was installed and it is. Trying to change permissions through the Properties menu fails. I’m at a loss.

Charles1 year ago

Which of these is the fastest? I have a client whose Active Directory got hosed by ransomware and they have an entire file server where the files and folders were owned by domain users that are no longer accessible.

I started a TAKEOWN.EXE command on one of the shared folders (i.e. “e:MyShare”) last night and it’s still running 13 hours later. We need something that works faster.


Because they all work in a somewhat similar way (changing the file’s permissions), I suspect they will all take roughly similar amounts of time.

Jeff1 year ago

I just want all the access to MY operating system that I had as Administrator on XP Pro & 7 Pro. Windows 10 Pro has taken that away and I want it back. Which one of these will do that for me?


You’re not going to get the amount of access to Windows 10 files like Windows 7 without screwing up the operating system. Using these tools or any other tools will just break more stuff than they will fix.

One area that you can improve is UAC because Windows 10 doesn’t completely turn UAC off with the slider while Windows 7 does. You can find out how to disable UAC completely in Windows 10 elsewhere on this site.

Boomer12k1 year ago

TakeOwnership Pro did it for me, it does a whole folder, subfolder and files. GREAT.
What was being denied? My AMIGA collection… LOL.
WORD OF CAUTION. I had stopped the process, and exited the program while it was changing permissions. There is no pause or stop button… I LOST ALL permissions for WINDOWS as it was the folder I was doing. Make sure that once you start, you let it finish, it took about 4 hours to let the program re-establish my permissions. It is working fine now… WHEW!!!


Thanks…..TakeOwnerShip works 1000%…

Thanks!1 year ago

Thanks! TakeOwnershipEX worked!


TakeOwnershipPro did it for me. GL

Dre1 year ago



“Take Ownership Registry File” saved the day. Thx.

cruz2 years ago

All of these are useless for me. Not one worked,


They work and do what they are supposed to do perfectly fine for the most part. It depends on how you are trying to use them really, I use a couple of these almost on a daily basis and they work as intended.

ayy2 years ago



TakeOwnershipPro did it for me too, thank you.

ThanksForHelp2 years ago

Tried TakeOwnershipEX and whilst it did somewhat work, it didn’t do the subfolders.
TakeOwnership Pro worked a treat first go! Thank you! :)


The answer for windows file/folder permission issues. Credits to Raymond and all involved.

Wilker3 years ago

I have been trying to resolve this for two days, I have tried various features (including Unlocker). Only with these tips did it work. Thankful!


win ownership download address links to
not available just now

also gets v1.1

sort of works for win10, by double-click & select
drag-drop feature does not work though.

Mahbub3 years ago

A new tool called adminex is released.


Absolutely love Take Ownership!
Fixes the access problem every single time.

z man4 years ago

how to Take Ownership entire registry ?


That’s not possible, and you would likely screw up your Windows install in the process of trying.

julio4 years ago

thanks for the takeownership pro.


Good Solution,
I used TakeOwnershipPro. Happy to use. Thanks to Publisher

polka4 years ago



Great, update post with this great tool.

mr shah9 years ago

great info dude! very usefull for me.Thank you


Excellent little proggy, used it a few times already


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The CNC Controller or CNC Control is the package of electronics and software that take input either from g-code or the cnc control panel and converts it to the signals the CNC machine’s motors need to move the CNC axes.

The controller with its CNC Control Software and electronics are the most complex part of a CNC Machine. In this article, we’ll break it down along several dimensions each of which you can then drill down on further:

  • Types of CNC Controllers
  • CNC Controller Electronics
  • CNC Controller Software
  • Choosing the Best CNC Controller for Your CNC Machine

Types of CNC Controllers

Industrial OEM CNC Controllers

Industrial OEM CNC Controllers are the ones used on Industrial CNC Machines like Haas. They’re the very hind end of the market.

These are not very common for DIY projects due to their expense. Not only is the controller itself expensive and fairly hard to come by (though one does see them from time to time on eBay), but Industrial OEM Controllers expect premium sub-components too. Industrial Quality Servo Drives, Home / Limit Switches, and all the rest really run up a hefty price tag in a hurry.

While these controls are expensive, lately I’ve seen controls such as the low-end of the Siemens line coming down in price in places like eBay. It looks like they’re testing the low-end market. If they keep coming down, these controls may make more sense on a DIY CNC Project than it seems.

I’m not going to talk further about these controls as they’re a pretty advanced topic. You might find the article I did that analyzes what features Hobby CNC Controllers are missing compared to industrial controls intersesting.

CNC Retrofit Controllers

Just a small step down from Industrial OEM Controllers are CNC Retrofit Controllers like Centroid.

These controllers are marketed for converting manual machines to CNC, for example, a Bridgeport manual milling machine. They’re also sold as a way to update obsolete controls on industrial CNC Machines to bring the more up-to-date features and performance.

They’re still not cheap, but they’re starting to fall into the range of what a DIY CNC’er might afford.

PC Based CNC Controllers

There are three main players in this market:

  • Mach 3 & Mach 4
  • LinuxCNC
  • FlashCut

All three have good reputations with varying trade-offs of features, functionality, price, and ease of use.

Mach 3

Art Fenerty founded ArtSoft in 2001 and launched Mach 3, which was based on an offshoot of the original EMC (which is now LinuxCNC) code base. Art wanted a CNC Controller that runs on Microsoft Windows PC’s rather than Linux, so it took a major rewrite and the two don’t share much in common any more.

According to our 2017 Survey, Mach 3 is the most popular CNC Controller at the low-end, with 47% market share. The next closest was LinuxCNC.

LinuxCNC (My personal favorite!)

LinuxCNC has its origins in NIST’s “Enhanced Machine Controller” project, hence its original name “EMC” and “EMC 2”. Since the EMC corporation owns the trademark, the name was changed to LinuxCNC in

LinuxCNC is Open Source software, which means you can actually obtain the latest source code should you wish to understand or modify it. It also means that a much larger audience, including companies like Tormach, can contribute to LinuxCNC.

While it’s extremely cool that LinuxCNC is Open Source, it’s the contributions of Tormach, and the PathPilot “flavor” of LinuxCNC that made it my favorite choice. Having used Mach 3 for years, I can tell you that Tormach made a good decision when they moved from Mach 3 to LinuxCNC.

PathPilot is simply more stable, more powerful, and more user friendly than Mach 3, and there’s not much more you could ask for.

Urc Complete Control Program Download

Now, getting your own PathPilot CNC Controller up and running for your own DIY CNC may not be quite as straightforward. You’ll have to assemble a controller that matches Tormach’s and get a copy of PathPilot up and running on it. There are various articles out there that purport to help. I haven’t verified any of them yet, but if it can be done, you’ll have a sweet setup.


FlashCut is a very nifty plug-and-play CNC Controller. The company was started back in 1993, so it’s been around a long time and the design is very mature.

While its Market Share isn’t as big as Mach3 or LinuxCNC, I’ve heard nothing but good about FlashCut. Here’s a great video by Dave DeCaussin (one of the original founders of FADAL) showing how easy it is to set up a FlashCut system:

I’ve heard some folks say they think the FlashCut is too expensive compared to other solutions. I put pencil to paper one time comparing it to a Mach3 system and I found that if you configure a system with all the capabilities of FlashCut (like a USB pulser for Mach3) that the premium isn’t as high as you may think.

Having a completely engineered turnkey system that’s plug-and-play is worth a bit of premium if you ask me.

Mach 4

Mach 4 is the newest solution in this category, and has by far the smallest market share. It’s almost a start over from scratch rewrite of Mach 3. The developers claim it shares less than 1% of Mach 3’s code.

It’s quite a bit more expensive, but in theory, should be better. From my perspective, the jury is still out–not enough market share or experience to bet on it when the competition is well entrenched and has far larger installed bases.

Microcontrollers: USB, Arduino, Rasperry Pi, TinyG, & More

Microcontrollers allow CNC Controllers to be built that are cheap and fit into a small space.

CNC Microcontrollers are a relatively new development made possible by continued advances in miniaturization and software. The idea is to put everything you need on one small circuit board, or perhaps a microcontroller board with a daughterboard commonly called a “Shield”.

Here’s a quick list of all the most popular CNC Microcontrollers:


Grbl (pronounced gerbil) runs on an Arduino microcontroller. It’s open source, and in use by a lot of different firms including:

That’s pretty much an all-star cast, so you can be sure GRBL has a vibrant ecosystem of products and people who can help and also that it has a bright future. The Shapeoko people told me they evaluated a bunch of these and felt GRBL was head and shoulders the winner for their needs.

TinyG / TinyG2

TinyG is another microcontroller-based system. It’s related to grbl, but it’s not the same. The TinyG codebase was forked from grbl in 2010 and has been going its own way ever since. TinyG claims to do some things better or differently:

  • While grbl is 3-axis (XYZ), TinyG is 6-axis so can support additional rotary axes. By default, TinyG controllers have 4 stepper motor drivers while gShield (used with grbl) has 3.
  • TinyG claims some fancy motion control algorithms, specifically “jerk” acceleration profiles for smoother motion.
  • TinyG claims its implemented on a higher performance microcontroller that has more memory.


PlanetCNC is a single-board CNC Controller that hails from Slovenia, Europe. Like TinyG, it’s also a 4-axis solution. In our 2017 CNC Controller Survey, GRBL had #1 market share, PlanetCNC #2, and TinyG #3 among the microcontrollers.

CNC Controller Electronics

Here’s the sort of electronics you’ll find inside most CNC Controller cabinets:

Let’s go over the function of each.

Breakout Board

CNC Breakout Board for Parallel Port…

The role of the Breakout Board is to take a connection from your PC and generate the appropriate signals needed to operate the Motor Drives, VFD, and Contactors.

For a deeper dive on Breakout Boards, see our article:

[ CNC Breakout Boards ]

The most common breakout boards, such as the one pictured above, are connected to your PC’s parallel port. This can be a problem, since parallel ports are obsolete and most new computers don’t have them. In addition, there are a lot of performance and reliability issues associated with breakout boards.

Newer and more sophisticated models are actually motion control boards, though some may still refer to them as breakout boards. These boards can connect via USB or Ethernet cable.

It’s impossible to control a USB connection finely enough to directly generate the precise pulses needed by Axis Motor Drives, so the role of a Motion Controller is to accept higher level commands and generate the pulses. The result is much higher performance a at a slightly higher cost.

We also have a great article on Motion Control Boards:

Universal Remote Complete Control Program Download

[ Motion Control Boards ]

Motor Drives / Drivers

Leadshine Easy Servo Drives…

Given a breakout or motion control board, your PC’s signals are converted to 2 signals:

  • Step: Each pulse on the step line tells the motor drive to move the motor 1 step.
  • Direction: If the polarity of direction is one way, it commands the motion to be clockwise. Switching polarity reverses direction to counter-clockwise. In fact, polarity is perhaps not the best term as it may simply be signal for one direction and no signal for the other.

In addition to step/dir signals, the motor drive accepts DC power, and, in the case of servos, it accepts the encoder signal as well. In exchange, it pumps out power to the motor in such a way as to control its motion.

DC Power Supply (Not Shown)

The photo above did not show a DC power supply because the motor drives used are capable of accepting AC. That’s very convenient, but not always the case. You may need to purchase or build a DC power supply to provide power to your motor drives.

One of the first CNC Controllers I built used this DC Power Supply:


Contactoris a fancy name for a relay capable of being used for higher voltages. In this case, most contactors are used to switch AC, for example to control a coolant pump. Your breakout board typically supplies a 5V DC signal. The Contactor’s job is to turn on (or off if normally closed) AC power when the 5V signal is on and turn it back off when the 5V signal goes away.

VFD: Variable Frequency Drive

Powering and controlling a CNC Spindle is a job for a Variable Frequency Drive, abbreviated VFD.

Choosing and programming a VFD is a complex process that we can’t go into here. For starters, you’ll want to make sure your VFD has enough power to run your spindle motor. There are a number of different kinds of VFD, but the best bang for the buck comes from something called a “Sensorless Vector Drive.”

Choosing the Best CNC Controller for Your CNC Machine

Choosing the Best CNC Controller for your CNC Machine is a matter of balancing some important trade-offs:

Trade-Offs when choosing the best CNC Controller…

The trade-offs boil down to all-out performance versus ease-of-success. A simple turnkey kit that has everything you need is pretty easy to get running. But, it may sacrifice some all-out performance relative to carefully cherry-picking the very best of each component for your application.

Ask yourself where you skill set and interests lie. It will take longer and very likely cost more to get that all-out solution up and running reliably. It will also take a lot more skills.

Are you good at diagnosing problems in electrical circuits? Can you read through all the spec sheets and properly determine which components are compatible with one another? Do you enjoy all that?

If the answer is “Yes” to those questions, you’re in a better position to try all the “bleeding” edge (i.e. leading edge) goodies in your project. If the answer is “No”, look for a proven kit that has everything you need and a large community of folks you can turn to with questions.

Market Share of Different CNC Controllers

Speaking of community, I think they’re critically important to the success of DIY projects.

I’ve been on that Bleeding Edge where nobody can help or answer questions and it can get lonely. These days, I prefer to choose products that have a decent-sized community. I like to see evidence that others have already accomplished what I’m looking for with the components I’m considering before I take the leap.

You’ll find you can get 80% of the performance with only 20% of the pain if you take that approach.

To have a decent community, products need a lot of users. You can learn more about the market share of various controls from our CNC Controller surveys:

[ CNC Surveys ]