Flyff Res Manager

Resource Manager is a tool window for importing, creating, managing, andusing resources in your app. You can open the tool window by selectingView > Tool Windows > Resource Manager from the menu bar or by selectingResource Manager on the left side bar.

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Figure 1: The Resource Manager

  1. Click Add to add a new resource to your project. You can add image assets, vector assets, fonts, resource files and values, or you can import resources into your project.
  2. The module dropdown lets you view resources specific to a module.
  3. Use the search bar to search for a resource across all modules in your project.
  4. The Resource Manager groups your resources by type. Use these tabs to switch between each resource type. Click the overflow icon to show additional resource types.
  5. The filter button lets you view resources from local dependent modules, external libraries, and the Android framework. You can also use the filter to show theme attributes.
  6. The main content area displays previews of your resources. Right-click on a resource to see a context menu where, among other things, you can rename the resource and search your app for where the resource is used.
  7. Click these buttons to view your resources as either tiles or lists.
  8. Click these buttons to change the preview size of your resources.

In addition to the features mentioned above, the Resource Manager provides asimple way to bulk import drawables into your project. You can drag and dropyour image files—including SVG files—directly onto the Resource Manager, or youcan use the Import Drawables wizard. For more information, see theImport resources into your project section below.

Double-click on a resource to have the Resource Manager display more detailedinformation. If you have multiple versions of a resource, this detailed viewdisplays each version along with any associated qualifiers, as shown infigure 2. From here, you can also double-click on a specific version to open itin an editor window.

Figure 2: The Resource Manager showing versions of an image resource fordifferent screen densities.

Import drawables into your project

You can import image resources by dragging and dropping the resource filesor folders directly onto the Resource Manager. After you drop the resources ontothe Resource Manager, the Import drawables dialog appears, where you canview the summary of the resources and add any needed qualifiers beforeimporting.

Note: For a list of supported image types, seeSupported media formats.Flyff

To import image resources into your project, do the following:

Discussion on Release Sedrika's v15 RES Manager within the Flyff PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the Flyff Private Server category. Resource Manager is a tool window for importing, creating, managing, and using resources in your app. You can open the tool window by selecting View Tool Windows Resource Manager from the menu bar or by selecting Resource Manager on the left side bar. Figure 1: The Resource Manager. Click Add to add a new resource to your project.

  1. Drag and drop your images directly onto the Resource Manager window inAndroid Studio. Alternatively, you can click the plus icon(+), choose Import Drawables, as shown in figure 3, and then selectthe files and folders that you want to import.

    Figure 3: Select Import Drawables Coleman powermate 15kw pm0621512 manuals. from the dropdown menu.

  2. The Import drawables dialog appears. As shown in figure 4, this dialogdisplays a list of the resources you're importing. You can rename resourcesby clicking on the textbox above each resource preview.

    If you're providing multiple versions of the same resource, be sure to adddevice configuration qualifiers that describe thespecific configuration that the resource supports. For example, if you'reproviding multiple versions of the same resource for different screendensities, you can add a Density qualifier for each version. Note that iftwo or more resources have the same name and qualifiers, only one version isimported. For more information on resource qualifiers, seeProviding alternative resources.

    Figure 4: The Import Drawables dialog.

    Once you've named your resources and added any necessary qualifiers, clickNext.

  3. The next screen shows a summary of the resources you're importing. Whenyou're ready to import, click Import.

BOSTON - After an exhaustive search to find their next manager, the Red Sox landed in familiar company, deciding to bring back Alex Cora, the team announced on Friday. Cora returns on a two-year deal running through 2022 with a two-year club option for the '23 and '24 seasons.

In the Resource Manager window, your resources are now ready for you to usein your project, as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: The Resource Manager now shows your imported images.

Automatically parse drawable densities

When you import a file or folder, and its path contains a density qualifier,the Resource Manager automatically applies the density qualifier as part of theimport. The Resource Manager can parse both Android's density qualifiers andiOS's scale factors.

This table lists how different supported densities is represented for bothAndroid and iOS:

DensityAndroid density qualifieriOS scaling factor
Low-density (~120dpi)ldpinot supported
Medium-density (~160dpi)mdpioriginal scale
High-density (~240dpi)hdpinot supported
Extra-high-density (~320dpi)xhdpi@2x
Extra-extra-high-density (~480dpi)xxhdpi@3x
Extra-extra-extra-high-density (~640dpi)xxxhdpi@4x

Here are some examples of how input paths translate to resource paths afterimport:

Android density qualifier: hdpi
Input path: /UserFolder/icon1/hdpi/icon.png
Resource path:<projectFolder>/<moduleFolder>/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png
Android density qualifier: xxhdpi
Input path: /UserFolder/icon1/abc-xxhdpi/icon.png
Resource path:<projectFolder>/<moduleFolder>/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/icon.png
iOS scaling factor: @2x
Input path: /UserFolder/icon1/icon@2x.png
Resource path:<projectFolder>/<moduleFolder>/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/icon.png
iOS scaling factor: @2x
Input path: /UserFolder/icon1/icon@2x_alternate.png
Resource path:<projectFolder>/<moduleFolder>/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/icon_alternate.png

For more information on supporting devices with different pixel densities, seeSupport different pixel densities.


Drag and drop drawables into your layout

You can drag and drop drawables from the Resource Manager directly onto alayout. When you drop a resource onto a layout, the Resource Manager creates acorresponding ImageView for that drawable, as shown in animation 1:

Animation 1: Dragging and dropping drawables onto a layout in Designview.

You can also drag and drop directly onto the XML of the layout, as shown inanimation 2: Sims 3 vampire mod.

Flyff Res Manager

Animation 2: Dragging and dropping drawables onto a layout in Text view.

Flyff Res Manager App

When dropping a drawable onto a layout in the Text tab, the generated codediffers depending on where you drop the layout:

Flyff Res Manager Download

  • If you drop a drawable onto a blank area, the Resource Manager generates acorresponding ImageView.
  • If you drop a drawable onto any attribute in the layout XML, the ResourceManager replaces that attribute value with a reference to the drawable. Notethat you can also drag any other resource type onto an XML attribute toreplace the attribute value.
  • If you drop a drawable onto an existing ImageView element, the ResourceManager replaces the corresponding source attribute.